Policy and Governance
Further develop Mediterranean MPA policy and governance structures to be more equitable, incorporating local authorities, integrated with other sectors and responsive to local MPA conditions

Recommendation 1.1 NATIONAL STRATEGIES
Ensure, in each Mediterranean country, a commitment in preparing, implementing and updating a national strategy and an operational national action plan in order to achieve international and regional targets related to MPAs.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Make this commitment mandatory under EU policies.
- Strengthen national institutional capacities in strategic planning and monitoring.
- National governments should declare a precise timetable for the implementation of international and regional commitments which they ratify or to which they subscribe.
Relevant Geographic Level
- National
Priority Geographies for Implementation
While every country in the Mediterranean should develop a national policy to achieve international and regional MPA targets, priority action should be taken with countries in the east and south Mediterranean, as these are the areas with the greatest gaps.
Responsible Parties
- UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention
- European Union
- Governments
- Local Authorities
- IGOs and NGOs
- Community of experts and local stakeholders working closely with national authority
- Donors
Indicators of Success
- Number of countries with national policies aligned with international and regional MPA targets.
Recommendation 1.2 LEGAL REFORM
Ensure legal and institutional reforms, that commit governments to take urgent action to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity (by all relevant means and tools including MPAs), as a political priority for the resilience of nature and the benefit of coastal communities.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Plan high-level meetings at national level to raise awareness of the need for legal and institutional reforms.
- Mobilise funding from relevant financing instruments (such as GEF, etc.), to assess potential legal and institutional reforms.
- Organise workshops with government and relevant stakeholders to identify reforms.
- Identify sectoral activities that should consider the planning and sustainable management of MPAs in their development plans.
- Legal reforms should encourage the participation of local people in the management of MPAs.
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- National
- Local authorities
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- National governments
- Subnational governments
- UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention
- Mediterranean Consortium for Biodiversity
Indicators of Success
- Number of legal reforms drafted and implemented
- Number of legal and institutional reviews conducted
- Number of sectoral sustainable development plans that have included the planning and management of marine protected areas
- Actions included in sectoral sustainable development plans that encourage co-management with/by local populations
Bridge the gap between local field actions and high-level policy-making processes through continuous collaboration across multi-sectoral governmental bodies and non-governmental stakeholders, and operational human networks of MPA managers. To this end local authorities should play a key role to both implement the actions and engage civil society.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Create high level national MPA steering committees, chaired by national MPA authorities with participation of all related ministries, NGOs and MPA manager networks, environmental IGOs, and other relevant stakeholders.
- Organise workshops on MPA topics with participation of multi-sectoral governmental bodies, and all relevant stakeholders.
- Engage local authorities in management bodies in order to assure more effective implementation of international, regional and national MPA agendas.
- Organise site visits of multi-sectoral governmental bodies to the national MPAs to raise their awareness and further engage them.
- Support creation and long-term operation of national networks of MPA managers and their connection with sub-regional and regional networks of MPA managers.
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- Subregional
- National
- Local
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- MPA authority
- National, subregional and regional networks of MPA managers
- MedCities
Indicators of Success
- Number of high level national meetings that include all the relevant stakeholders
- Number of workshops, meetings and site visits
- Number of national and subregional networks of MPA managers initiated and operational
Recommendation 1.4 SPATIAL PLANNING
Ensure that MPA needs are taken into account and integrated in coastal and marine spatial planning to reduce conservation and development conflicts.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Organise capacity building workshops and trainings on MPAs and Marine Spatial Planning.
- Amend national MPA strategies to require the full participation of all relevant stakeholders related to MPAs in marine spatial planning, such as economic sector, private sector, MPA managers.
- Amend Directive 2014/89/EU – Maritime Spatial Planning to include provision ensuring that MPA needs and conservation objectives are taken into account in marine spatial planning.
- Create provisions in the Barcelona Convention ensuring MPA needs are taken into account in marine spatial planning.
- Ensure local stakeholders and the private sector are included in all marine spatial planning and integrated coastal zone management processes.
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- National
- Subnational
- Local
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- National governments
- Subnational governments
- European Union
- UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention
- MPA managers
- Networks of MPA managers
- Mediterranean Consortium for Biodiversity
- Networks of municipalities
Indicators of Success
- Number of countries with a legal review process that ensures all laws/orders/decisions/Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) that include MPAs are in line with marine spatial planning and integrated coastal zone management
Empower MPA managers through legal and other mechanisms to apply a decentralised governance system that features participatory processes and co-management approaches and be more responsive to local conditions.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Develop national government legislation that empowers MPA managers and local stakeholders in decision making.
- Develop national government legislation that requires participatory planning and co-management with relevant economic sectors and local populations.
- Develop capacity and training for MPA managers and stakeholders in participatory approaches and co-management.
- Showcase co-management case studies to inspire others.
- Develop MPA Steering Committees or Advisory Committees at the local level that include all stakeholder groups and can link science, management and policies.
- Promote the traditional community based approach into the national legislative framework, such as “Hima”.
- Encourage the inclusion of all relevant MPA stakeholders and conflict analysis in MPA management plans.
Relevant Geographic Level
- National
- Local
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- National governments, assisted by European Commission and UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention (SPA/RAC)
- MPA Authority through the MPA manager
Indicators of Success
- Number of countries with decentralised MPA governance system
- Number of countries with requirements for participatory governance and co-management
- Number of MPAs with decentralised governance system (number of co-management agreements)
- Number of MPAs with requirements for participatory governance and co-management
- Number of MPAs with participatory governance and co-management established
Set up or properly redesign dedicated governmental bodies in each country for protected areas which include MPAs, or specific structures for MPAs if possible.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- The MPA national strategy and operational national action plan in Recommendation 1.1 should describe the process and timeline for the development of an MPA agency or separate government structure for MPAs.
- National legislation on nature protection to be developed or amended should describe the process and timeline for the development of an MPA agency or separate government structure for MPAs.
- National governments develop an MPA agency or separate government structure for MPAs.
- The dedicated national body or MPA agency in each country should develop sectoral cooperation with other ministries (besides environment, fisheries) and key economic sectors including maritime industry, fisheries and aquaculture, etc.
- Look for best practices and publish case studies on MPA agency development
Relevant Geographic Level
- National
- Subnational
- Local
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- National governments
- Subnational governments
Indicators of Success
- Number of new countries with national MPA agency/department established and sufficiently resourced