Cross Cutting Recommendations

Recommendation 6.1 NETWORKING
Support networking of MPA managers and MPA stakeholders at all levels to enable scaling-up of good practices and establish permanent connections between networks of MPA managers and other networks of stakeholders to bring the voice from the field into decision-making processes.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Continuation of regional MPA working groups on thematic topics
- Continuation of MedPAN network activities as permanent regional platform for MPA managers and stakeholders
- Support existing or emerging national and sub-regional networks and enhance cooperation between those national and subregional MPA networks and the MedPAN network
- Connect MPA managers networks with other stakeholders networks at national, sub-regional, European, Mediterranean levels, and beyond the Mediterranean by looking at synergies and developing joint activities
- Establish more connection with private sector representatives and networks (tourism, industry…) and connect with other Barcelona Convention thematic Regional Activity Centres
- Connect the Mediterranean networks of MPA managers (national, sub-regional, regional) with other regional and national networks of MPA managers beyond the Mediterranean (Transatlantic, Mediterranean neighbouring seas, and global level)
Relevant Geographic Level
- Global
- Regional
- Subregional
- National
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All countries in the Mediterranean.
Responsible Parties
- MedPAN
- Regional networks of MPAs in the Mediterranean and beyond
- National networks of MPAs
- Other stakeholders networks
- Barcelona Convention’s Regional Activity Centres
- Blue Growth platforms
Indicators of Success
- Number of regional networking events
- Number of members of the different national, sub-regional and
- regional network
- Number of new sub regional and national networks
- Number of exchanges and joint actions beyond the
- Mediterranean with other networks
- Number of meetings between networks in the Mediterranean
- Number of persons involved in networking activities
- Number of private sector «Fora» that MPA representatives attend
- Number of joint (policy and capacity-building) actions by
- networks of MPA managers and networks of other stakeholders
Develop or contribute to post-pandemic recovery plans that establishes how MPAs can contribute to “build back better” the Mediterranean Sea
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Multi-stakeholder workshops in different subregions of the Mediterranean and at national level to define the issues and solutions for a post-pandemic recovery plan
- Contribute to existing post-pandemic plans, or those under development to ensure that MPAs are adequately represented
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- Subregional
- National
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- European Union
- UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention through SPA/RAC
- IGOs and NGOs
- Mediterranean Biodiversity Consortium
Indicators of Success
- Post-Pandemic Recovery Plan developed and operational at national levels
Recommendation 6.3 GENDER EQUITY
Ensure gender equity in all aspects of MPA creation and management. See gender sensitive commitments
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Identify issues through surveys and workshops in the Mediterranean that are barriers to gender equity and collect sex-disaggregated data
- Identify best practices to achieve gender-equitable outcomes, develop guidelines on their implementation and promote them during experience-sharing workshops
- Based on the above, develop a strategy and action plan for gender equity in MPA establishment and management for the Mediterranean
- Promotion of the gender equity action plan widely throughout the Mediterranean
- Donors can develop funding sources that promote gender equity
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- National
- Local
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- IGOs and NGOs
- The MedFund and other international donors
Indicators of Success
- Gender-related best practices identified and shared/promoted
- MPA Gender Equity Strategy and Action Plan developed and operational
Recommendation 6.4 BEYOND MPAs
Recalling the Barcelona Convention commitment through the Post-2020 MCPA & OECM Strategy to protect 30% of the Mediterranean Sea (UNEP/MAP 2021), boost biodiversity conservation beyond MPAs in areas within and beyond national jurisdiction through other sectoral and spatial tools such as Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMIs), Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs), Fisheries Restricted Areas (FRAs) and Other Effective Area Based Conservation Measures (OECMs)
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Organise capacity building workshops and trainings on MPAs and Marine Spatial Planning.
- Training and capacity building on the use of sectoral and spatial tools, including SPAMIs, FRAs, PSSAs and OECMs, in areas within and beyond national jurisdiction
- Develop training and tools to support the achievement of Strategic Outcome 3, “Marine and Coastal OECMs in the Mediterranean are identified, recognized and reported towards the post-2020 global and regional targets” from the Barcelona Convention’s Post-2020 Regional Strategy for marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in the Mediterranean
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- National
Priority Geographies for Implementation
Within and outside the national jurisdiction of all Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- IGOs and NGOs
- National authorities
- Neighbouring countries
- UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention and its Regional Activity
- Centers
Indicators of Success
- Number and extent of SPAMIs (beyond national jurisdictions) PSSAs, FRAs, and OECMs
- Number of trainings and tools developed related to SPAMIs, PSSAs, FRAs and OECMs
Take immediate action on emerging and existential threats to MPAs, including climate change and invasive alien species.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Develop guidelines on emerging threats
- Training and capacity building on emerging threats
- Training and capacity building on action planning to anticipate and address threats
- Donors to make small to medium-sized action grant funding available for MPAs with emerging threats
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- National
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All Mediterranean countries.
Responsible Parties
- IGOs and NGOs
- MPA managers
- Regional NGOs and networks of MPA managers
- Donors
Indicators of Success
- Number of guidelines documents developed on emerging threats
- Number of training and capacity building events on emerging threats
- Number of persons participating in training and capacity building events on emerging threats