The overarching objective of this Post-2020 Roadmap is to reinforce and support the implementation of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework in the Mediterranean region; in particular Target 3 calling for Parties of the convention to take action to protect 30% of the planet.

What’s new in this Roadmap?
The real value of this roadmap is when it becomes a “living document”, through this platform, that aims to contribute through concrete actions of numerous actors, organisations and various stakeholders to the implementation of the goals and outcomes committed at global and regional levels.
Moreover, for each recommendation throughout this roadmap, organisations and other entities that are listed as “Responsible Parties” are encouraged to internalise the listed strategies and actions and include them in their own planning processes.
Monitoring progress in plan implementation is considered best practice. The partners developing this roadmap, MedPAN, SPA/ RAC, and WWF-Med began a process at the Mediterranean MPA Forum in Monaco seeking commitments from governments, organisations and individuals to implement actions in this roadmap.
The roadmap partners are developing a mechanism to monitor and review roadmap commitments. These commitments will be soon available on this platform and progress on achieving them will be updated periodically. Additional calls for commitments will be made at important Mediterranean and global events. The last section of this roadmap (The Road Ahead…) includes further steps to operationalize this commitment review mechanism.

Roadmap Strategic Objectives
The following summary list of roadmap strategic objectives was developed through an iterative process with numerous stakeholder inputs. The strategic objectives follow the themes that emerged from the online working groups and the survey on limiting factors that hinder the achievement of MPA targets: