Register a commitment

Before completing the form, we invite you to go through the Post-2020 Roadmap which includes a vision, six strategic objectives, and recommendations on how to achieve the objectives.

Through your ongoing or planned actions, you may already contribute to advancing the Roadmap. As of today, you can identify in which Strategic Objectives, recommendations and indicators of the Roadmap your actions are being developed.

Your data will provide a way forward to more accurately monitor our collective progress towards the roadmap’s intended strategic objectives and recommendations, as well as the regional targets agreed in the frame of the Barcelona Convention, the SAPBIO and the MCPAs and OECMs Strategy. 

In the first section of the form, you’ll indicate your personal information with your email. This will allow you to save your work and come back later to continue to fill in the form.

A FAQ section is available on the website, and the MPA Forum team will be happy to help you with any questions or issues regarding the commitments.

Before publishing your commitment to the website, a member of the Med MPA Forum team will review your commitment and get back to you to confirm it.

Thank you very much for your contribution!

Marine Protected Areas are everyone’s business!

The Med MPA Forum